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What emerged or materialized as important to me? 

At the beginning of this semester, I used light & shadow and material arrangement to help people pay attention and concentrate on the object that easily ignored in routine life. And I called this series of explorations as stage[ing], which include stage. The exploration after mid-semester, I found that food and the process of eating is also easily ignored in daily life. Therefore, I implement stage[ing] techniques into a series of eating situations, aiming to heighten people’s experience of eating and draw their attention to the food as well as enriching stage[ing] technique. With the investigation of stage[ing] eating, I found eating has more potential, especially to promote ethical eating can take a positive Impact on society environment. So, there are three aspects, food source, food processing, and promoting sustainable food of semester one. And this is why I call my research project proposal as stage[ing]: Eating and Eating Ethically.

Moves or changes need to be made in order to sustain the project

  1. My research project proposal has mainly focused on the food source, food processing, and promoting sustainable food. However, I found that it is broad and unspecific.

  2.  The pop-up kiosk can be more experimental and be more specific with seasonal food ethical moments around the year.

  3. It can focus on the retail, hospitality, and educational context.


Continued and discontinued

1. Stage[ing] and ethics will be continued.


Support I need prior to commencing the Research Major Project

1. I need to do more research on ethics about eating.

2. Investigate and study various experimental retail mode.

3. Research seasonal food, how they producing, growing, and sourcing.



A Proposal Guide

Intention. Agenda. Motivation.

In the major research project, I am motivated to promote seasonal food. It is not as simple as the food itself but embodies three aspects of ethics. Firstly, eating seasonal food reduces transportation and refrigeration associated with food. It will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. That will be good for the environment. Secondly, reducing human intervention to the timing of crop production, follow the laws of nature is a kind of ecological ethics. Thirdly, promoting seasonal food will support local farming and local economies and agricultural businesses. 
By researching four seasons of seasonal vegetables and fruits, I aim to produce four pop up kiosks that dedicated to each specific seasonal food. The way they presented or sold will be different from the traditional retail store. It will be represented with the information of sourcing and ethics in a playful, poetic retail space to attract audiences and customers. Stage[ing] techniques that I produced in semester one will use in the following design.

Research question

How can the techniques of stage[ing] promote seasonal food with ethics in a retail space?



retail, hospitality, educational-ethics

informative seasonal food in an ethics aspect;

playful and poetic shopping environment (untraditional shopping experience);

retail space promote seasonal food; 


Site and/or Situation

Through a series of studies of sustainable farms, Bimbadeen Phillip Island will continually be the site for the major research project. 


Audience. Occupants. Demographic. User Group

universally involved, especially ethical eater


local farmer

ethical eater 

sustainable farm

sustainable restaurant

Local council

environmental organizations

Design Approach

- storyboard informed by the four seasons' food

- sketching and collaging the typical point of each seasonal food then transforming the point into space experience or untraditional retail mode.

- model making with the space intervention

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