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Cambridge Dictionary Definition

Design Exploration

My Definition



Staging is to organize and present a play or an event for people to see. 

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It shows something dramatic or narrative scene happen through arranging, performing, organizing, and intervention.



Stage is a raised area, typically in a theatre where actors, entertainers, or speakers perform.  

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It is a designated platform for people to perform, experience, and concentrate

In mandarin, a stage is a place where certain activities take place.



Stage is a point, period, or step in a process or development.

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Separate parts that form a shift. Each stage is a temporary moment.

Why food?

Because the projects that I did before mid-semester were too abstract to implement, but it was about to activate the objects appear in the routine life, but always ignored by people. Therefore, I began to think about what object or situation that happens in routine life but is always ignored by people? I was eating lunch when I think this question, and I suddenly realized that I ignored the situation of eating and lost the connection of the food because my attention was in my mind, not food and eating situation. Therefore, I realized the food and situation of eating could be my next place to apply the technique of stage[ing]. So, I did a series of bridging explorations on food by applying the technique of stage[ing].

” In our everyday life, we have lost our connection to food. We have breakfast on-the-go, eat lunch while swiping through Instagram, and have dinner while watching Netflix,”. “We do not take the time to look at our food and fully appreciate it, so the balance between the senses is not right – kind of like watching a movie with the sound off.” 


--- Teresa Berger 

"Food, as a self-altering, dissipative materiality, is also a player. It enters into what we become. It is one of the many agencies operative in the moods, cognitive dispositions, and moral sensibilities that we bring to bear as we engage the questions of what to eat, how to get it, and when to stop."           


 --- Jane Bennett

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